
Wednesday 6 January 2016

Intentions for 2016: Mindfulness

Like many people these days, I'm not a fan of making new years resolutions that will be long forgotten before the end of February. I do, however, like to reflect upon how things are going and check in with how I'm feeling overall in the lull after the craziness of the holiday season. In previous years I have chosen one little word for the year to guide me and help me reflect back upon what is important to me. In previous years I have chosen make, move, breathe and grateful.

This year it is important for me to choose mindfulness. 

I have been feeling like I have lost a little bit of control and have not been present is with my commitment to living what I preach environmentally. Since returning to work full time and being sick on and off all autumn I have done what I needed to survive, even if it has meant ordering take out food, grabbing food on the go and doing what is convenient.

I have not had time to spend outdoors on a regular basis, and this has been very hard for me. I feel more relaxed, happier, and have more energy after even a short walk along our local river. People care more about making environmental choices when they care about the world around them. When people spend time in nature and connecting with the natural world it is an important step toward living environmentally.

Continue reading at The Green Phone Booth>>>>


  1. Thanks for sharing this best stuff with us! Keep sharing! The author clearly describe all the parts of the article with good language and information.

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  3. I think mindfulness will not only be a resolution for a single year rather a lifetime goal. Mindfulness both as a virtue and skill will really help the human being live a much better life.

    Mary G (Corvette Auto Mechanic)
